Tati’s Toasts

James Turrell installation at MassMOCA is so amazing. Genuinely surreal experience (2024-10-21)

Reading Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe is really strange because it’s very similar to my experience and also very different. But man the pap smear trauma is real. (2024-10-20)

Man on train fuckin coughing and sneezing the entire 70 min train ride 😱 (2024-10-19)

Holy crap those 11 yo on tiktok all plane ride ahhhh AHHHH (2024-10-14)

I’m actually kinda impressed at how Endwalker discusses colonialism. Like it’s very simple like “hey this is why colonialism is bad” but I’ve never seen a popular game just like… tell you straight up that it’s bad and why. (2024-10-11)

Ah the pain of being warrior and everyone keeps dying and I had to try soloing the boss from 20% agh (2024-10-10)

Cat is breakfast and bed, not bed and breakfast (2024-09-26)

Sometimes my water decides it doesn’t have any volume and it all drains away (2024-09-25)

Messing around with physics is not my favorite lol (2024-09-25)

Oh I missed an opportunity to name one of my retainers Yard Sard (2024-09-23)

Ohh I cooked my brain doing projects (2024-09-20)

Actually thinking about this slightly more I think I am close to “got this” but I got a little lost in the sauce and I need to draw a diagram (2024-09-20)

Me coding: I got this

Later: I don’t got this I think I need to rewrite this entirely (2024-09-20)

Ghghhghhh I got a job search book and it has a quote in the front from the Tumblr CTO 😹 (2024-09-15)

Double Indemnity is about a guy who commits to the bit wayyy too hard. (2024-09-10)

Failing as WHM, yeah ok we got this. No panic just press buttons. Kinda panicked but not nearly as bad as the time I died as SCH. TOTALLY FINE NOW. (2024-09-08)

Covid shot 2024: persistent headache, really tired, kinda gummy throat. The gummy throat is freaking me out though I feel like I’m getting normal covid. (2024-09-04)

They’re gonna look like a sonic popsicle (2024-09-02)

I’m having a fun time making shitty frog shaped shortbread cookies (2024-09-02)

F yeah lvl 97 Dancer! Almost there… (2024-08-29)

Ah I think I know why I find this chaos tea room person annoying. She does the school yard escalation thing but the way that’s fun is if you SOMETIMES cede to the other person. If you always “win” its boring. She can only stop by disengaging which is also not a “fun” victory. (2024-08-28)

Ah yes my trial by fire social anxiety blitz is complete. I now do not give a shit. No anxiety but it’s important to note that I only have no anxiety if I give myself breaks. (2024-08-24)

I think I’m just gonna stick to making things that way please me and if anything comes of it, whatever. But I feel like there’s so much survivorship bias in online creative shit it’s hard to feel like any of it is worth it. (2024-08-23)

I think this is giving me an existential crisis (2024-08-23)

Hmm this is hard damn. I need a pizza slice Fo Real. Also I should have eaten a snack but I fear eating in front of people. (2024-08-23)

Dude Craig Mod. Why don’t I have Craig Mod’s job. Fuck all other jobs (2024-08-23)

Me: don’t say that

Me: says it because it’s like trying to avoid driving into a tree by looking at it (2024-08-22)

De presseddddd waugh (2024-08-21)

Wegh (2024-08-21)

Still shit at raising people because I get The Hysteria (2024-08-20)

I hate top stitching SCREEEM (2024-08-15)

Forgot that linen loves to slide around. Evil lol (2024-08-15)

Bad brain texture day (2024-08-12)

Anyway I wish they had spent more time on the interplay between the claimants. I also kinda wished that Thancred and Urianger actually had a political reason to support Koana rather than just being hired, because I want the scions to actually have some kind of difference in opinion for once. (2024-08-11)

Ok thoughts about DT: I think its scope was a bit too large. I actually liked the interactions between the claimants and I wish Zoral Ha had more of an active role in the first half. Though I think his thoughts and feelings are pretty clear in the first part- I find it kinda wild? Unrealistic? That he would spend like 30 whole years stewing about being shown up by his siblings. But I guess compared to Fandaniel that’s a short amount of time. (2024-08-11)

That shit sucks AND was unethical so (2024-08-07)

If I could wash the brazilian poverty/suffering porn film from my brain I would. (2024-08-07)

Anyway This Movie gave me far less psychic damage than like 2/3rds of the films I saw in my Smith film class so I’m grateful for that LOL (2024-08-07)

Anywabe some things just trigger my media analysis brain and I get annoyed because I can’t articulate it very well and I want someone else to comment on the things I thought about but that’s not gonna happen (2024-08-07)

Anyway it’s not that deep! This movie is like on Hideo Kojima’s level of puns/ double meaning. (2024-08-07)

Seeing people talk about Ex Machina and like, not talk about the Asian looking robot and like, what she’s doing in the narrative drove me nuts. (2024-08-07)

I mean this film is trying to be deliberately boundary crossing which is fine, it’s -what- it is crossing and how that I’m interested in and everyone just talks about the easiest part which is the “acting” part of the narrative. (2024-08-07)

Man I hate when I watch a movie and I think, did anyone write anything that addresses this part that I find super icky and no one doesssssss!!! This happened with Ex Machina too. Anyway, it’s weird when people seem to gloss over things I find just overwhelming obvious in a film lol. (2024-08-07)

If I don’t complete my task in one movement, I can forget my task. If I don’t have a visual reminder of my task in progress, I can forget my task. I feel like my penchant for immediately doing things as they occur to me is a reflection of this mind state. But I also now start tasks when trying to finish other tasks and then forgetting my previous task. So that’s not super helpful (2024-08-06)

Chappel Roan mid tbh (2024-08-04)

Man I was hoping I could vote out Maria Cantwell but the other candidates are not viable alas. (2024-08-03)

People put too much shit in their Tumblr bios. I want to look at your pictures, not be suddenly struck by how deeply strange people are. (2024-08-03)

This expansion is pretty silly. I wish it was either a little MORE silly or a little less silly. (2024-08-02)

Wow Seraph is congested? I’m gonna have to pick a different server (2024-08-01)

They were out of dobutsmmm (2024-07-25)