Tati’s Toasts
Thinking about how Emet-Selch is compelled to help you once he notices who you are (2025-02-10)
I had a desire to give my monster hunter Hunter side burns because I love when you can put facial hair on any body type (2025-02-08)
Why is it consistently SO BAD across all their products (2025-02-07)
I have nothing but disrespect for Microsoft’s UX (2025-02-07)
GITHUB WHY DO YOU HAVE A MEATBALL MENU WITH ONE! ONE OPTION! just make it a button with text on it for the love of god (2025-02-07)
I still enjoy being a catboy the most. I do really embarrassing things like stop dead in my tracks to look at another catboy character. Today I did that with someone who was teleporting out of Gridania and he STOPPED teleporting and blew a kiss at me. Then he gave me a bouquet 😭 (2025-02-04)
Looking at twitter was bad (2025-02-03)
It’s much better to have posts that disappear. (2025-02-03)
Uuuurfffvhbbvcvvccvvghh the news. I really should have gotten my passport renewed (2025-02-01)
I just realized that probably one of the reasons red mage uses a rapier in ffxiv is because of rune fencers in tactics ogre since yoshi p is such a big fan of that game. (2025-01-30)
I can be nice and also just ask for things (2025-01-28)
I try to be polite but damn if I also use that as as a way to avoid the to get things I want (2025-01-28)
Ok procrastinating on writing letters by addressing why I’m avoiding writing letters. Maybe helpful! (2025-01-27)
Stymied in writing letters because I’m like “clearly I can’t do that” (2025-01-27)
Have I actually written a letter today? No. Did I sign up for volunteer work? Yes. (2025-01-27)
Ah the feeling like everything I do is worthless feeling has returned :3 (2025-01-24)
Ughhhghhghhvgh. I’m going to need to talk to people I highly doubt I’m going to get a job just by applying (2025-01-24)
Everything going on with social media now just makes me want to make zines tbh (2025-01-22)
My favorite ffxiv characters: all brown haired catboys. All male characters with bow headband (2025-01-19)
Cracked the code I need to hyper focus on something I like doing and then transition into doing the thing I don’t like doing before I get too tired. Today I did that by convincing myself editing video is like making a spreadsheet after I made a (fun) spreadsheet (2025-01-16)
I fight hard to stay in situations but not to get into a situation (2025-01-14)
Coding also feels like fishing around in a bowl of plain spaghetti for wooden blocks for my jenga tower (2025-01-10)
Coding is fucked up. It’s like making a jenga tower of concepts (2025-01-06)
Jump puzzles very important enrichment for Catboy (2025-01-05)
I know games need to do this sparingly otherwise it becomes old hat but I love when games mess with stuff like quest menus. (2025-01-04)
Man happy 2025 the webcomic I’ve been reading since 2015 killed a major character in a really sad way (2025-01-01)
I’m annoyed at jobs that have very generic titles but are actually extremely specific. “Technical Artist” covers a huge variety of different jobs (2024-12-30)
Hrm can I even come up with 10 plausible careers lmao (2024-12-30)
Looked at jobs and took psychic damage. (2024-12-30)
I drank a lot of caffeine and decided I am no longer afraid of Scholar. Helps that I have a way better idea of what’s happening in the game now. (2024-12-29)
Being reaaaally trustworthy right now, here in Ishgard, beating up temple knights. (2024-12-28)
Ok starting the Dark Knight quest right after starting Heavensward is really funny. Hi guys I know you all hate foreigners and don’t trust them, how bout I beat up a bunch of temple knights on the advice of a ghost. (2024-12-28)
Hahahaha wtf 1000xResist. “I don’t like where this is going” SAME (2024-12-28)
Ready or Not: bride should have killed all of the rich family members either on purpose or on accident. Not have the magic be literally real. That’s going against the whole point of prophecies and also makes a way less satisfying movie. Lady shoulda killed all those jerks. Reverse slasher (2024-12-27)
So far octopath 2’a writing is not actively making me want to die so that’s an improvement. (2024-12-26)
Pissed that the Van Helsing movie decided that Van Helsing/Angel Gabriel should be cured of lycanthropy. Cmon werewolf angel vampire hunter is such a good concept (2024-12-26)
Oh ok this game was made by some performance artists during lockdown which would explain the not great animation and good atmosphere (2024-12-25)
“Iris” rhymes with “virus” though so clearly we can’t trust her (2024-12-24)
So far 1000xResist is interesting… rough 3D art and rough animation but the voice acting and atmosphere almost bridge the gap. Moving through space by moving through time periods is cool. (2024-12-24)
Me: I should think seriously about what jobs I can get and what jobs I actually want Me: spends a lot of time categorizing things and color coding them while not thinking about it deeply. Me: hmmm, this is a new type of avoidance (2024-12-23)
I wholeheartedly love my stupid bland catboy character it’s very silly. Even though he looks a bit weird he has a not very widely used combination of eyes and face. I just found someone with a moon cat character with the same combination (2024-12-22)
My experience crafting in ffxiv: omg this is fun I can’t stop. Ok now I feel like screaming. Ok I’m fine now. Stops crafting for 30 days (2024-12-19)
Oooh new long hair. It’s very girly tho (2024-12-16)
Ah bleeeeeegh (2024-12-15)
I wish I could give myself a plausible job but selling art is hard (2024-12-12)
Ugh man not having a good time applying for jobs (2024-12-12)
That was supposed to say “90” minutes (2024-12-12)
Hmm I forgot about my strategy to stop myself from falling into a dissociative fugue for 9 minutes while trying to write things for job applications, so I haven’t been able to test it out yet. The strategy is just pomodoro timer but holy god I need to break the cycle of staring into space (2024-12-12)
I died like many times in that EX but I was pretty calm the whole time. Whereas in Valigarmanda the fire phase just makes me anxious just looking at it (2024-12-08)
let’s Murder!That!Bird! (2024-12-07)